Robert’s Family of Military Service


Robert served in the military, as did several of his siblings.  You can read more about the family’s service on my previous post.  Here is a collection of photos regarding Robert’s military service.


Here’s some photos of Robert’s siblings who served in the military.

Millitary photos

Top Row: Harry, Earl, Charles Bottom Row: Harry, Richard, Sam


Thanks for your service men!

Robert’s Photo Legacy

I figured calling Robert would not be a good option based on my previous phone calls.  So we just drove to his home.  He welcomed us in and shared lots of family pictures, some of which I have used in previous posts, including those about Samuel E. Parmer, who is Robert’s grandfather.  Robert’s father is Robert E. Parmer, Sr.

Robert Jr. was interested in preserving family photos.  He decided at some point that it was important to pass on family knowledge to future generations.  So he made copies of family photos, identified the individuals in the photos, and laminated them.  He produced many copies and would give them out at family reunions.  Imagine my joy at seeing all those photos!

Here is a collection of some of his photos, along with an introduction in Robert’s own hand.

Robert's photos intro

Introduction to Robert’s photos.


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