William’s Beginnings in Lancaster

William was born October 27, 1869, the second child, and second son, of Samuel and Hetty. He is shown with his family in the 1870 and 1880 census. On September 3, 1891, William Eckman Parmer and Emma J. Howe were married by Rev. D.W. Gerhard.  Here’s a photo of William and Emma:


Emma J. and William E. Parmer.  Photo courtesy of Millie Crawford.

Over the next several years, William worked at various jobs until he began working as a clerk at a store.  Here’s what we learn from looking at the city directories:

1892 — laborer at 612 S. Duke

1896 — driver, 31 E King; home at 429 Church — a 6 minute walk from home to work

1897 & 1898 — driver; resides at 339 W Marion

1899 — clerk for W D Sprecher Son & Co; resides at 29 Dorwart

1903, 1905, 1907, 1911 — clerk for Sprecher & Ganss (seed and implement establishment); resides at 507 Green

Over this time, William and Emma had their children–Roy, Guy J., Herbert H., Clarence (Nick), Viola, and Franklin William.

Then, sometime betweeen 1911 and 1913, they moved…..to Florida!